Hi There,
you wanna know more about me? Well here it goes. I am Money. Of course that is not my real name but you can just remember this one! Right now I am studying "Communication and Multimediadesign" at the FH Aachen, University of Applied Scienes. Under my artist name "nomoneY" I perform Music Acts and Fashion Projects, but right I am more interested in Music. I ain't saying I am a Pro or something like that, it's just that these things are kinda hobbies to me.
Why Music?
Simple answer. Making Music is kinda fun. Music also has the ability to represent feelings, opinions and beliefs of a person (what is what I am trying to do). Sharing everyday thoughts or topics I always wanted to comment on. Sometimes while walking down the street suddenly there's a great idea poppin' up for something funny or something good. Now how can I show this wonderful thought to the world? With Music of course. Well not sayin' that everything I do is like a message or something. I also record tracks and idea's with no special meaning, people might call it mainstream-shit. But well, I do have fun doing this and I don't necessarily need the whole world to love me and love what I do (I hope you do!).
Why Fashion?
think Fashion has taken an important meaning to our life. Everybody is
expressing him or herself with fashion. Even those people who say they
don't care about fashion are expressing themself through the clothes
they wear (wearing normal clothes what expresses that they don't care
bout Fashion, you get it?).I think that this thought is very interesting and that is also a reason why I am interested in Fashion. Furthermore I am also
interested in what kind of impressions one can get with Fashion. Interesting looks and pieces that could fit nice together. I ain't some hipster-fashion-guy but I'm still kinda interested in the way people dress up and the atmosphere it can bring to a person. It's just as simple as this.
That is
everything I wanted you to know about me. If you have any questions,
just ask me. Facebook, Twitter and Youtube links are on the right.
Thanks for supporting me and reading my shit!
Peace n stay gold!